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크파 vs SLI 시즌3 : 메인스트림 패싸움

Author : Daeguen Lee (DGLee)

(Any action violating either CCL policy or copyright laws is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved)


※ You may see "Flagship Gang Fight" here -> http://iyd.kr/585

크파 vs SLI / 280X 크파 vs GTX 770 SLI / 7950 크파 vs GTX 760 SLI / 270 크파 vs GTX 660 SLI



About a month ago, I posted the article <Crossfire vs SLI : Flagship Gang Fight> which tested 4 flagship VGAs from two major manufacturer, AMD and NVIDIA - R9 290X, R9 290, GTX 780 Ti and GTX 780 with single, dual, triple and quad Crossfire / SLI configurations. If we could ignore the issues come along with CF such as microstuttering OR if the issues were ignoreably small, then there is a clear way forward us : CFing Radeons benefits more than SLIing GeForces not only in terms of scalability but also in terms of absolute frame per second. 4x R9 290 actually faster than 4 x GTX 780 Ti in several cases I tested, indeed, even 3 x R9 290X bests more numerous configuration of its rivals more than a couple of fights.


At this moment, what we should remind is, however, digits in our bank account. It's obvious that a R9 290 is very attractive combination of sexy performance and affordability yet we are already aware of the absolute fact that everything is relative. R9 290's affordability could only be derived by comparing it with GTX 780 or GTX 780 Ti, not R9 280X nor GTX 770. How about CF/SLIing a pair of R9 280X or GTX 770 then? Could they be more affordable way to taste TITAN-class performance?


Okay. Let's have a look for materials & methods.

Test Setup & Methodology



Note that Radeon HD 7950 Boost is highly anticipated that it is to be re-branded as R9 280, a SKU between R9 280X and R9 270X. So comparison group could also be translated as "R9 280X/280/270X".


Every technique in benchmark is exactly the same as before.


I want to mention that I adopted two different way to analyze the results. One is "framerate accumulation", another is "framerate normalization". There are simple formulas for them. Let Game_n(vga_k) means framerate measured in game "n" on VGA "k". Then:


- Framerate accumulation : Game_1(vga_k) + Game_2(vga_k) + ... + Game_n(vga_k)

- Framerate normalization : [{Game_1(vga_k)/Game_1(vga_fixed)} + ... + {...}] / n


Now you understand what a "block" in this graphs below implies.



All right. Let's get drowned in graphs!


Result - 1. 3DMark 11





2. 3DMark Fire Strike




3. Alan Wake






4. Aliens vs Predator






5. Batman : Arkham City






6. Battlefield 3






7. Battlefield 4






8. Bioshock : Infinite






9. Borderland 2






10. Call of Duty : Ghosts






11. Crysis : Warhead






12. Crysis 2






13. Crysis 3






14. DiRT : Showdown






15. Far Cry 3






16. Hitman : Absolution






17. Just Cause 2






18. Metro 2033






19. Metro : Last Light






20. Sleeping Dogs






21. Splinter Call : Black List






22. Tomb Raider : Reboot





Congratulations! You just escaped from all the graphs............... except those in follow chapter:

Performance Summary - 1 : By accumulation






Performance Summary - 2 : By normalization






Multi-GPU Scaling Summary






...The article is finally over.


Thanks for reading (or attempt to read) this. I'll be very happy if you leave your opinion here.

Have a nice day :-)


※ You may see "Flagship Gang Fight" here -> http://iyd.kr/585




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